????????Use promo code HWYT2405 and get a 500 rub. discount on any purchase from 5500 rub. The promo code is valid ONLY IN THE ONLINE STORE until 06/07???????? In this issue, we made a small selection of relevant baits for chub in 2024. The following took part in the release: Smith Camion - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/W9MOj/ Smith Dai Bisen - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/8QRax/ TsuYoki Fugaz - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/xdVz5/ TsuYoki Gambit - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/ca9Nh/ TsuYoki Chef - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/IFOir/ Lucky Craft Clutch - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/pki8f/ Crazy Fish Swirl spoon - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/wW4rW/ Boroda Baits silicone baits - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/c4Wct/ Riverzone Waist bag - https://www.huntworld.ru/c/Aux3j/ Hunting World online store: https://www.huntworld.ru/ Follow us on social networks: ► VKontakte - World of Hunting - Hunting is our way of life https://vk.com/public164799626 ► VKontakte - World of Hunting - not a day without fishing! https://vk.com/club_huntworld ► Telegram https://t.me/huntworld_shop ► Yandex.Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/huntworld