Russian disinformation has been spreading noticeably in Hungary since 2014. The war in Ukraine and then the refugee crisis gave impetus to the spread of fake news at home. Here is the second part of 444's video series on Russian influence. You can watch the first part on the new Cold War here. https://444.hu/2018/03/14/igy-lett-ma... Produced by: Zoltán Ásmány, Tamás Botos, Balázs Budai, Péter Erdélyi, Júlia Halász, Bence Kiss, Vera Kiss, Patrícia Kovács, Máté Kőrösi, Péter Magyari, Zsófia Mészáros, Benjamin Novák, Dániel Pál Rényi, Gáspár Bence Tamás, Péter Terner http://www.444.hu / 444.hu / negynegynegy https://ask.fm/negynegynegy [email protected]