In this new episode of Science vs Fiction, Delphine Guerard, psychologist and psychoanalyst as well as expert in the Paris courts, analyzes films and series on cults. “Midsommar”, “The Handmaid's Tale”, “The Master”, “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” or “Les Éblouis”: how realistic are these works? What is the difference between a cult and a religion? How to detect influence? How to get out of a cult? What is the psychological profile of gurus? Can everyone end up in a cult? Our expert who has been working on cult phenomena for over 20 years answers all these questions and many others, the opportunity to debunk the clichés surrounding cults. Many thanks to Delphine Guerard for this episode! She is also the author of a book: “L'emprise sectaire, psychopathologies des gurous et des adeptes de sectes” (2024) If you or one of your loved ones are victims of sectarian influence and/or deviations, do not hesitate to contact associations that help victims of sects: The National Union of Associations for the Defense of Families and Individuals Victims of Sects (UNADFI): https://www.unadfi.org/ The Association for the Defense of Families and Individuals Victims of Sects (ADFI) https://www.adfiparisidf.fr/ The Center Against Mental Manipulations (CCMM) https://www.ccmm.asso.fr/ The National Center for Family Support in the Face of Sectarian Influence (CAFFES): https://caffes.fr/ You can also contact Miviludes, the Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight Against Sects sectarian drifts: https://www.miviludes.interieur.gouv.fr/ ************************************* Find a new video and four new shorts every week on our channel. #staycurious Follow us on our social networks: Instagram: http://expl.tv/Instagram TikTok: http://expl.tv/TikTok Facebook: http://expl.tv/Facebook Snapchat: http://expl.tv/Snapchat