This feeling. Always being around people and yet alone. Is that loneliness? Is that normal? And where does that come from when I should actually be happy? The debate about loneliness is slowly getting underway. Good, because loneliness is considered a new widespread disease. What surprises many is that it mainly affects young people. Our reporter Antonia Schanze wants to better understand this diffuse feeling of loneliness. Because what we can explain makes us less afraid. Psychologist Elena Köstler says that modern performance-oriented society and social media in particular are making us lonely. "Eye Contact" events are intended to connect people on a deeper level. All over the world, people meet to look mindfully into each other's eyes. And those who are looking for the full program of closeness dare to go to so-called cuddle parties. A kind of group cuddling with strangers. Antonia was there and looked to see whether social coldness and superficiality can be overcome in this way. ------------ Reporter: Antonia Lilly Schanze Editor: Julie Lesurtel Camera: Ma Raab, Manuel Freundt CvD: Anne Thiele ------------ Help with loneliness in old age: https://www.silbernetz.org/ 0800 4708090 Telephone counseling: https://www.telefonseelsorge.de/ 0800 111 0 111 (free of charge and anonymous) ------------ Süddeutsche: Digital isolation https://www.sueddeutsche.de/digital/s... Welt: Social media can intensify feelings of loneliness https://www.welt.de/gesundheit/articl... FAZ: How social networks make you lonely and unhappy https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaf... Deutschlandfunk: Social media - well connected, but lonely https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/sozial... DASDING: How lonely do Instagram, Facebook and Co. make us? https://www.dasding.de/home/ddspezial... Netzpiloten: How do we ensure that social media doesn't make us lonely? https://www.netzpiloten.de/einsam-soc... ------------ Music from the film: Monolink - Father Ocean // Foxygen - Cosmic Vibration ------------ We are the Y-Kollektiv! - a network of young journalists. In our web reports we show the world as we experience it. We make research transparent. ► You can SUBSCRIBE to us here: https://goo.gl/8yBDdh ► FACEBOOK: / ykollektiv ► INSTAGRAM: / y_kollektiv ► TWITTER: / y_kollektiv ------------ ► #ykollektiv belongs to #funk: YouTube: / funkofficial funk Web-App: http://go.funk.net Facebook: / funk ► A production of sendefähig GmbH / sendefaehig // http://sendefaehig.com