Following the death of a former senior official who accused Governor Saito of "power harassment and other allegations," Vice Governor Yasutaka Katayama of Hyogo Prefecture said he would submit his resignation today. Vice Governor Katayama also said, "I asked Governor Saito if he would consider resigning with me, but he replied that he wanted to do his best until the end of his term, as he was entrusted with the position in the election. It is the governor's decision, so I would like to respect it." As the question and answer session progressed, Vice Governor Katayama shed tears and said, "I am so regretful that I was not able to support the governor. I believe that I did not have the ability. The governor certainly had some issues, and I apologize for that. I feel guilty for not being able to support him." He covered his face with his hands and choked up as he said, "I am so regretful that I was not able to support him. I believe that I did not have the ability. The governor certainly had some issues, and I apologize for that. I feel guilty for not being able to support him." ▼MBS NEWS HP https://www.mbs.jp/news/ ▼The latest news and special features are delivered every day Please subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MBSnewsCH?s... #Crying #Resignation #Vice Governor #Governor Saito #Power Harassment Allegations #MBSNews #Mainichi Broadcasting System