The burning of witches in the Middle Ages, were apprentices in Nechaya and Protection against spells! In the Middle Ages, the Inquisition reached the Carpathian Mountains! Burning witches in Galicia was a completely normal phenomenon! Ivan Franko even wrote about this in the work "The burning of ghouls in Galicia". Today, in an interview with Molfar Vasyl Yuraschuk, we will talk about the execution of witches! Often, the victims of the Inquisition were simple innocent girls, sometimes even children! Burning witches was one of the methods of fighting cholera! People said about ghouls that they can turn into any animal! It was not profitable for the church that people were treated by healers, so they were often blamed for all problems! Burning witches was very popular back in the 19th century! Even the Hutsk master Yaoleks Bakhmatyuk depicted the story "Becoming a Witch" on various and unique stove tiles! If you are interested in what we do, subscribe to our channel and support us on Patreon! Love your Ukrainian!