How do creative ideas arise? How can we train our mind to be creative? With this book you will learn how our mind works, differentiating between vertical and lateral thinking, that is, creative thinking. You will learn new techniques to train and stimulate your creativity, giving rise to new ideas and points of view. As always I leave you the direct link to buy the book: Buy the BOOK https://amzn.to/3sG7CeV Read the section of my blog dedicated to books https://www.buttonsandlove.it/categor... or Watch all the VIDEO REVIEWS of the books that have inspired me the most • INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS Grow and get inspired with professional and personal growth videos • GROWTH FIND YOUR INSPIRATION https://www.buttonsandlove.it/ispirati/ Follow me on social media to stay up to date FACEBOOK (here I publish wedding favors - tutorials - business for artisans, basically everything) / buttonsandlovedesign INSTAGRAM (here I only publish posts related to business for artisans and wedding favor tutorials) / sania_chiereghin Hi, I'm Sania, a creative multipotential (artisan - creative tutor and mentor for artisans) Thanks for stopping by my channel. Here you will find practical advice for creating designer wedding favors yourself and above all I will teach you how to sell your creations or services that you offer, differentiating yourself from the crowd. For any questions, advice, or even just to say hello, you can write to me at: [email protected]