A very common mistake among beginners and even experienced swimmers is not paying attention to the end of the stroke. We often end up valuing the pulling phase too much but neglecting the pushing phase. This mistake may be due to the fact that, when performing the crawl stroke, we transfer a pulling movement that is more commonly used in everyday life. Since it is a widely used movement, our memory has an easier time executing a similar movement in the crawl stroke, such as the pushing movement with triceps extension. Although it is also a common movement, it is not used in the same way in everyday life, which is why we have some difficulty assimilating this movement to swimming. In order to perform a good crawl stroke technique, it is important to work on perceiving the movement, working on various exercises that will help the swimmer feel the movement of the stroke and how this movement acts on the propulsion of the swim. Swim trunks and Nixie cap. Want to know more? Click on the link! https://www.nixieswim.com/?utm_source... Floty Fin https://fitmania.com.br/produto/pe-de... #canalnadamais #swimming #swimming