◆Timeline0:00 Men involved with Dal0:21 vs MapBackGaming (1st match)3:28 vs MapBackGaming (2nd match)6:22 MOTHER playing Nekomugi's voice in two windows7:38 Kamito & Nekota Tsuna imitating Akari7:55 Witnessing Bodoka's misplay9:48 Provoking Bodoka12:51 Amazing pressure from allies13:43 vs Killing me (1st match)16:05 vs Killing me (2nd match)17:49 Kamito is invincible with double operation19:41 XQQ makes a risky statement21:10 Winner's interview◆Original stream【Valorant】CRCUPーLiveー【Kamito】 https://www.youtube.com/live/8H-p_hgW... ◆Channel▷Kamito / @-kamitochannel-2486 ▷Nekota Tsuna / @tsuna_nekota ▷MOTHER3rd / mother3rd ▷Ras / ras_sama ▷Ta1yo / ta1yo_tv ▷XQQ / iam_xq ◆Kamito's SNS YouTube : / @-kamitochannel-2486 Twitch : / kamito_jp Instagram : / kamito0127 Twitter : / kamito_otaku Twitter(sub) : / kamitosub ◆BGM 魔王魂:https://maou.audio/ ◆Ending Song: Distrion & Alex Skrindo - Lightning [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: • Distrion & Alex Skrindo - Lightning ... Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/LightningYO ◆VSPO! License number: 00448 ◆Tags #kamito #kamito #cutout #nekota tuna #mother3rd #ta1yo #ras #cr cup #cr cup custom #xqq #hug spa WIN