This is how an attractive person leads a conversation. ⭐️ Do you want conversation skills that will change your work and relationships? https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detai... The real-time #1 bestseller, "The Essentials of Conversation" is the answer. I confidently tell you that it has everything. Check it out at the link above. ⭐️ #1 online speech lecture https://www.classu.co.kr/class/classD... 'Basic speech that makes me stand out' All of my speaking know-how is concentrated. Feel your speaking skills improving quickly, anyone. ⭐️ Conversation methods that will change your life https://www.classu.co.kr/class/classD... 'Human relationship conversation methods that will make your life happy' We have never learned conversation until now. Learn the conversation skills that will change your life. 📕 Insta: / heungburton 📗 TikTok: / heungburton ✏️ Lecture/invitation request: [email protected] #Heungburton #ConversationEssence #IWouldHaveNoWishesIfIHearedThatISpeakWell