Civil Police Delegate of Pará Published Notice 2020: https://www.supremotv.com.br/delegado... Do you want to learn constitutionalism and neoconstitutionalism in a didactic way? Then watch this Constitutional Theory class by Professor Bernardo Gonçalves right now, taken from our course for Civil Police Delegate of Pará! In it, you will learn, in depth, the following points: 1 - Concept of constitutionalism; 2 - English constitutionalism movement: Characteristics of the movement; Characteristics of the Constitutions; 3 - North American and French constitutionalism movements: Characteristics of the movement; Characteristics of the Constitutions; 4 - Modern concept of Constitution; 5 - Neoconstitutionalism; 6 - Milestones of neoconstitutionalism: Historical framework; Philosophical framework; Theoretical framework. During the class, the professor establishes a chronological historical evolution of and points out care that should be taken during the test, making the study even more complete. All the content in this video will be of great value to you for your studies for public exams, for your academic life and for your professional life! After watching it, you will feel even more prepared to face these challenges! Press play and good studying! Take the opportunity to follow us on social media! We post free tips and content daily on all of them: Instagram: / supremotv Facebook: / supremo.concursos Telegram: bit.ly/TelegramSupremo Supremo Blog: https://blog.supremotv.com.br/ Visit our website and check out our courses: https://www.supremotv.com.br/