The term “micro-infidelity” arises in a context where relationships are influenced by technology and social media. With the rise of digital platforms, the line between what is considered fidelity and infidelity has become more blurred. Behaviors where one flirts with a person who is not one's partner are usually subtle and can include suggestive interactions, exchanges of messages that are kept hidden, and even form deep emotional bonds without a physical commitment. Some of these emotional displays cross physical barriers and are done through technology, such as liking or commenting on someone else's posts. Although for many, this is not real infidelity, it is true that displays of affection or love towards a friend or coworker affect trust and lead to many conflicts in the relationship. How to recognize them? And what to do about them? Follow us on: / canaloncetv http://www.x.com/CanalOnceTV / canaloncetv / canaloncetv https://www.threads.net/@canaloncetv https://canalonce.mx/