In infidelity, the main problem is the deception and the protagonists of it, which leaves out that third person who is colloquially known as “the lover”. These people are often seen as the culprits of the conflict or the breakup, as those who came with the intention of destroying a relationship; however, this is almost never the main reason for the formation of clandestine love affairs. Both men and women can be the third party in discord, however, it is women who face the most prejudices and social stigmas that punish them for being pointed out as “the husband stealers”, “the ones who get involved”; in short, there are countless comments that disqualify them and blame them for relationships that no longer work since before they appeared. But, why are men not judged in the same way? Although infidelity is the responsibility of those who decide to break an agreement previously made with their partner, we have learned to blame third parties without taking responsibility for our decisions. Follow us on: / canaloncetv / canaloncetv / canaloncetv https://canalonce.mx/