#princessfairytale #fairytalecollection #princessstory ▶order 1 The Little Mermaid (0:13) 2 Rapunzel (8:13) 3 Thumbnail (16:23) 4 Sleeping Beauty (23:32) Let's meet Junie & Tony's nursery rhymes and fairy tales. ▷ Continue watching the 'Lifestyle Nursery Rhymes' series: • [Eng sub] Be careful of hot things Oops, it's hot! It's dangerous! Be careful... ▷ Continue watching the 'Popular Nursery Rhymes' series: • I want to eat an apple Can a hungry pig eat an apple on a tree? ▷ Continue watching the 'Occupation Nursery Rhymes' series: • Firefighter Transform into a firefighter who puts out fires! Children's job experience Job... ▷ Continue watching the 'Dinosaur Nursery Rhymes' series: • [Eng sub] Tyrannosaurus rex Tyrannosaurus, the king of dinosaurs Dinosaur... ▷ Continue watching the 'Human Body Nursery Rhymes' series: • The best human body nursery rhymes to develop observation skills Every corner human body song, dinosaur song, song... ▷ Watch more of 'Fairy Tale Musical': • [Eng/Pt sub] Fart Match A Briga Do Peido... You can also enjoy Juny Tony's nursery rhymes and fairy tales on the music sites below! ▷ Melon: http://www.melon.com/artist/timeline.... ▷ Genie: http://www.genie.co.kr/detail/artistI... ▷ Flo: https://www.music-flo.com/detail/arti... ▷ Vibe: https://vibe.naver.com/artist/273065 ▷ Naver: http://music.naver.com/artist/home.nh... ▷ Bugs: https://music.bugs.co.kr/artist/20083... ▷ Soribada: http://www.soribada.com/music/artist/... Copyright © 2017 KizCastle. All Rights Reserved.