Sberbank card 4276 5500 2814 4890 US Marine Lieutenant: I would never want the Russians to seriously start a war with us. It may be unpatriotic, but I feel like they will definitely kick our ass Three years ago, the website topwar.ru reports, an American newspaper published what was almost a confession by US Marine Lieutenant Michael Foggetti. It described the events of his life that took place more than 40 years ago during “one small but dirty war waged by the US, Algeria, Ethiopia and Somalia.” Foggetti’s text itself, however, needs to be preceded by a brief explanation: the events described unfold in the now infamous Gulf of Aden. "Tankist", aka "bearded captain" - Major Nikolai Ignatyevich Eremenko, commander of a separate battalion of the 104th TB, attached to the UN mission.. subscribe to the VK group https://vk.com/public117505320 popular videos on the channel • Video for all questions [email protected] Read books on the website https://www.litres.ru/?lfrom=651304169