How much money and time do you need to create a batch of your own product to enter Ozon or Wildberries? In this video, I analyze in detail several areas for my business, within which I calculate several niches in detail. We will calculate the cost price of the product, the minimum start-up capital, and see how much and how similar products are sold on Ozon and Wildberries. I specially selected the most creative niches. This is what can bring not only money, but also a lot of pleasure to all creative people, as well as craftsmen and lovers of handmade. And the production of your own product is always partly hand made. USEFUL LINKS: -------------------------------------------------- Link to the SalesFinder service with a 10% discount: https://salesfinder.ru/promo?code=SAV... -------------------------------------------------- My VK group: https://vk.com/savinhobby Store on OZON: https://ozon.ru/t/byjar4n Store on WB: https://www.wildberries.ru/brands/261... Workshop group: https://vk.com/wise crow ___________________________ 00:00 - Why production? 02:14 - decoration 02:47 - silk-screen printing 04:30 - sewing shoppers 11:53 - gift wrap 18:48 - CNC machines and 3D printers 24:50 - furniture production ________________________________________ Hello! My name is Savin Fedor. I sew products from genuine leather and turned my hobby into a business. The Wise crow workshop has been around since 2014. Over the years, I have gone through a difficult path from a tanner to an entrepreneur, and I share my experience on my channel.