Would you like to understand the subject of Groove on the Bass once and for all? In this class I teach the subject of grooves on the bass guitar in 10 steps. It is a complete class on groove, so take your time and practice everything on your bass guitar. The topics covered are: 1 - Listening to the context 2 - Knowing the harmony 3 - Identifying the bass drums 4 - Playing with tonics and bass drums (few notes) 5 - Playing with arpeggio notes (few notes) 6 - Using insights from the groove (guitar in this case) 7 - Groove one bar and pause in the next 8 - Using chromatics 9 - Using long notes 10 - Testing other techniques (slap, slide, sweep, etc.) Happy studying! ------- ✅ COMPLETE BASS COURSE: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br ✅ JAZZ BASS LICKS COURSE: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/jazzbas... ✅ PAGODE BASS COURSE: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/pagoden... ✅ BASS PROGRAM EVERY DAY: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/contrab... ✅ BASS COURSE IN JAZZ: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/obaixon... ✅ HARMONY BASS COURSE: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br/harmoni... ???? T-SHIRT STORE: https://umapenca.com/toquemaisbaixo/ ✅ Did you like this video? ???? Subscribe to the channel ???? Leave your Like ✍️ Write your comment ???? Turn on notifications so you don't miss any videos posted. ???? Share with your friends, don't forget to subscribe! WHATSAPP TOQUEMAISBAIXO: 35 99191 4532 FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: / raphaelduvalle / toquemaisbaixo COME BE MY VIP STUDENT: https://toquemaisbaixo.com.br #GROOVESEM10PASSOS #toquemaisbaixo #duvalle