Hello to all the Erwin community on the other side of the world, in this new video I come to share with you one of the three free urban comics routes in Brussels, Belgium! Come with me to take the most important route in the city since all the murals that you will see with me today are located in the downtown area of the city. I leave you reference pages so that when you decide to visit Brussels and its comics you don't miss a single detail. There are also totally free guided tours (I leave you the page with the schedules). And for those who have a bigger budget when traveling, I leave you the websites of the two comic museums that exist in the city center. *Route made in this video: https://www.bravodiscovery.com/es/bru... *Three free comic book routes: https://saltaconmigo.com/blog/2015/09... *Free tours (guided visits): https://www.freetour.com/es/brussels?... *Official comic book museum: https://www.comicscenter.net/en/home *Amateur comic book museum: https://www.brussels-comics-figurines... #travel #belgium #art #brussels #culture #tourism #europe #comics #tintin #museum #mural #visit #schtroumpfs #smurfs #guide #fun #learning #living #moments