Summary of the comedy movie Qolhak: The movie Qolhak is a comedy story about the life of several families in Qolhak neighborhood of Tehran and... ----------------------------- ----------- Golhak movie - full Subscribe for More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/ShahreFarangs... --------------- ------------------------- Actors of the Iranian film Qalhak: Hadi Kazemi, Gohar Khairandish, Nima Shabannejad, Hadhi Bazund, Ali Ostadi, Nasrin Nosrati, Yaser Jafari, Elham Farashah and... Director of the new Qolhak movie: Mustafa Shayista, Qolhak movie writer: Amir Hossein Dovatgar, producer of the humorous Qolhak movie: Mostafa Shayista, release year: 1403 Genre: Comedy ------------- ----------------------- Qolhak movie is a comedy story about the life of several families in Qolhak neighborhood of Tehran and... ----- ----------------------------------- Film Gholhak - Full Movie Cast: Hadi Kazemi, Gohar Kheirandish, Nima Shabannejad , Hediye Bazvand, Ali Ostadi, Nasrin Nosrati, Yaser Jafari, Elham Farashah and... Director: Mostafa Shayeste Author: Amir Hossein Davatgar Producer: Mostafa Shayeste Release: 2024 Genre: Comedy ------------ ---------------------------- To watch more movies, click on the link below: • Persian Movies Movie ---------------------------------------- #Gholhak #Gholhak_film #Gholhak #film #فيلم_سينمعي #فيلم_يراني #film #movie #film_irani #film_gholhak #فيلم_فارسي #فيلم_كمدي We have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.