My story in this one about my deportation in the United States in 2008, I talk in detail about my arrest, the reasons for my arrest at immigration, how I managed to immigrate to Canada from the USA, I also tell how I got my documents in Canada Since I got my permanent residence and got my Canadian passport, I talk a little about life in Canada, about documents, how to get them, I make comparisons between Canada and the United States, such as how to immigrate to Canada, how to start from scratch in the city of Toronto, and other tips on how to obtain permanent residence in Canada. If you liked this video, leave your like and a comment and subscribe to the channel for more information. Thank you very much for watching this video. My social networks are here in the subscription! 🛑 Channel link, become a member here in the description / @escolaparaimigrantes9105 🛑 Follow me on my Instagram! https://instagram.com/escola_para_imi... Digital bank for Brazilians abroad Link below!!! https://wise.com/invite/ihpc/flavianop11