In conversation with Dr. Jochen Dresel, chief physician of the Schongau Clinic for Internal Medicine More on this topic at https://meinkrankenhaus2030.de ⬇ ⬇For more information about this video, please expand the description ⬇ ⬇ ▬ Overview ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 0:08 What is a colonoscopy and how is it performed? 0:59 Why is a colonoscopy needed and what diseases can be diagnosed? 1:48 How do I prepare for a colonoscopy? 2:28 What risks and complications can occur during a colonoscopy? 3:25 How long does a colonoscopy take? 3:59 Is a colonoscopy painful? 4:53 How long is the recovery time after a colonoscopy? 5:43 How often should you have a colonoscopy and who should undergo a colonoscopy? 6:46 Are there other factors that suggest a colonoscopy? 7:39 What are the alternatives to a colonoscopy? ▬ Our promise to you ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Feel good and top-class medicine. This is what you can expect from our Weilheim-Schongau hospitals. The highest quality of treatment from excellent specialists, as well as individual, caring care. For your most valuable asset - your health. Krankenhaus GmbH Landkreis Weilheim-Schongau https://meinkrankenhaus2030.de - my hospital 2030 #Krankenhaus_Weilheim_Schongau #meinkrankenhaus2030