🔴 TOPICS COVERED IN THE CLASS 🔴 ↪ 00:00 Introduction ↪ 00:40 Classification of carbon in the chain: primary carbon, secondary carbon, tertiary carbon and quaternary carbon; ↪ 26:59 Classification of the carbon chain: open chain and closed chain, normal chain and branched chain, saturated chain and unsaturated chain, homogeneous chain and heterogeneous chain, cyclic chain and acyclic chain, aromatic chain and aliphatic chain, isolated and condensed rings in polyaromatic chains, homocyclic and heterocyclic chain; 😍 SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL 😍 for only R$ 2.99/month. Access the link and learn more about the benefits: / marcelão da química ❶ Want to understand how this extensive course works? Click on the link: (wait for update) ❷ Want to access the playlist that contains all the lessons of this course? Click on the link: https://goo.gl/iph9YB 😍 OUR CAMPAIGN ON THE APOIA-SE WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY DEACTIVATED, BUT YOU CAN HELP US BY SHARING THIS WORK, LIKING THE VIDEO, AND COMMENTING IF THIS LESSON HELPED YOU. INSTAGRAM: /marcelaodaquimica ☑ Want to access the exercises? Click on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/170-F... RECOMMENDATION: Some lists may have typing or answer errors. We are already aware, and we are working little by little to fix these errors. ☑ Download my FREE Chemistry textbook: • 50 BUCKETS OF URINE AND ORGANIC COMPOUNDS... ☑ Want to access the answer key? Click on this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rdxg... [BIBLIOGRAPHY] Books that Marcelão usually uses to formulate his YouTube classes (not necessarily this class you're watching, okay?) Feltre, Ricardo. Chemistry (3 volumes). 7th Edition. São Paulo: Moderna, 2008 Ciscato & Pereira. Planeta Química (3 volumes). 1st Edition. São Paulo: Ática, 2010 Reis, Martha. Chemistry (Volume II). São Paulo: FTD, 2007 Reis, Martha. Chemistry (3 volumes). 1st Edition. São Paulo: Ática, 2013 Usberco & Salvador. Chemistry (Single Volume). 5th Edition. São Paulo : Saraiva, 2002 Martino, Arilson. Chemistry: Global Science (7 volumes). 2nd Edition. Goiânia : Editora W, 2016 Atkins & Jones. Principles of Chemistry (Single Volume). 5th Edition. Porto Alegre : Bookman, 2012 Kotz & Treichel. Chemistry and Chemical Reactions (2 volumes). 4th Edition. Rio de Janeiro : LTC, 2002 Bruice, Paula Y. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (Single Volume). 2nd Edition. São Paulo : Pearson Education do Brasil, 2014 Share our work with your friends 😉