In this Class 8 of our GRO, PGR, eSocial and Regulatory Standards course, we will discuss NR - 3 Embargo and Interdiction. We will define what Embargo and Interdiction are, who can embargo or interdict, and what are the criteria used for a workplace to be embargoed or interdicted. Link to previous classes: Class 0: GRO, PGR, Esocial and Regulatory Standards With Eng. Soraia Pereira https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWUGq... Class 1: NR-01 • Class 1 - NR 1 - Updated G... Government website link: https://bit.ly/3EXJcRH Follow me on social media: Instagram: Instagram.com/engsoraiapereira Free material: https://bit.ly/3mWRX9q Course registration: https://bit.ly/2WLuFrO AVCB/CLCB Budget: https://bit.ly/2WLuKvC Talk to me: https://bit.ly/3tdl2yj