???? This is class 46 of the “Training Course in Comprehensive Education, Teaching Practices and Learning Methodologies”, promoted by the Educational Digital Laboratory (LDE), in partnership with the Sobral Education Department and the Permanent School of Teaching and Educational Management (Esfapege). ✅ MEDIATOR: ???? Name: Francisco Herbert Lima Vasconcelos ???? Institution: Federal University of Ceará (UFC) ???? WhatsApp and Telegram: (85) 9.9987-4600 ???? Email 1: [email protected] ???? Email 2: [email protected] ???? Facebook 1: / herbert.lima.758 ???? Facebook 2: / franciscoherbert.limavasconcelos ???? Instagram: / herbertlimaoficial ✅ SPEAKER: ???? Name: Afrânio Moreira ???? Institution: Sobral Department of Education ???? Theme: Coordination of Management and Human Resources Appreciation: actions and incentives for schools and teachers in the municipality of Sobral ???? CLASS MATERIAL FOR READING: ???? Speaker's presentation: ✍️ REGISTRATION AND ATTENDANCE: ???? Registration for the full 180h course: https://www.even3.com.br/inscricao-ei... ???? Registration for the 3h class: https://www.even3.com.br/aula-eipdmip... ???? Class frequency: https://forms.gle/yn36jLv6uj3dZHeS8 ????GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION: ???? Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ldeufc ???? COURSE EVALUATION ACTIVITIES: ✅ Evaluation Activity 1: https://forms.gle/fVsbpn2TibrS9Eog7 ✅ Evaluation Activity 2: https://forms.gle/bMqoD1jaGYoNy6gN9 ✅ Assessment Activity 3: COMING SOON ✅ Assessment Activity 4: COMING SOON ✅ Recovery Assessment Activity 1: https://forms.gle/1UaDwYty9odokYBD6 ✅ Recovery Assessment Activity 2: COMING SOON ✅ Recovery Assessment Activity 3: COMING SOON ✅ Recovery Assessment Activity 4: COMING SOON ✅ Assessment Activity 1 Grades: https://sites.google.com/view/ldeufc/... ✅ Assessment Activity 2 Grades: COMING SOON ✅ Assessment Activity 3 Grades: COMING SOON ✅ Assessment Activity 4 Grades: COMING SOON ✅ Assessment Activity 1 Grades Recovery 1: https://sites.google.com/view/ldeufc/... ✅Recovery Activity 2 Notes: COMING SOON ✅Recovery Activity 3 Notes: COMING SOON ✅Recovery Activity 4 Notes: COMING SOON ???? GET TO KNOW OUR COMMUNICATION CHANNELS: ???? Blog: http://ldeufc.blogspot.com ???? Facebook: / ldeufc ???? Instagram: / ldeufc ???? Twitter: / ldeufc ???? Youtube: / ldeufc ???? Photos: https://www.behance.net/ldeufc ???? Photos: https://www.flickr.com/ldeufc/albums #ldeufc #Education #Sobral