Aichi Prefectural Police Academy is a boarding school located in Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture. New police officers learn the basics of police through group activities. Former detective Kawamura Taiichi (44) is teaching a class of new police officers who have just graduated from high school. Kawamura is enthusiastic, saying, "I want to raise them with love, as if I were raising my own children." However, there are endless worries about training, such as them not being able to shake off the high school mentality and not being able to line up in formation. How will these aspiring police officers grow? We followed the training of new recruits. (From Me-Tele's "Dodesuka!+" special broadcast on September 18, 2024) #PoliceAcademy #NewRecruit #PoliceOfficer #Detective #Instructor #Training #Aichi #Kasugai #AspiringPoliceOfficer #NewRecruitTraining #Me-Tele #NagoyaTV #Dodesuka #DodesukaPlus [Me-TeleNews] ● / @nagoyatvnewsch [Dodesuka! ch] ● / @dodesuka [X] ● Me-TeleNews / nagoyatv_news ● Dodesuka! / dodesuka_6ch ● dodesuka+ / dodeplus_6ch