Cabaret comedy show by Turjan Hysko presented by Marina Vjollca. With the best and most beloved actors in the biggest comedy production! Humor, unique characters, jokes, comic situations, music, endless laughter... Actors: Julian Deda, Albano Bogdo, Visjan Ukcenaj, Olsi Bylyku, Eglein Laknori, Andrea Vreto, Cubi Metkaj, Behar Mera, Gentian Zenelaj and Rudina Dembacaj. SUBSCRIBE to "RTV KLAN" on YouTube for more videos! For more information, visit our website https://tvklan.al/ You can find the latest videos from Tv Klan on the page https://tvklan.al/video/ Follow Tvklan on Facebook: / tvklan Follow Tvklan on Instagram: / rtvklan You can also follow TV Klan programs on the website https://tvklan.al/programe/