As a contractor, we participated in the renovation of this private apartment, which was planned by the owners. During the renovation, several old things were kept and many decorative tiles were chosen. ********* Welcome to the YouTube channel of the general contractor Faber Master, where everything is about renovations! Among our videos, you will find videos showing the entire process of home renovations and house renovations, renovation planning tips, ideas, and interior design advice. If you are interested in the topic, take a look around the following links: ▶ FREE MATERIALS FOR RENOVATION ⚡️ If you are about to renovate, download our free design booklets and read our series of 10 e-mail renovation tips → https://www.fabermaster.hu/letoltheto.. ▶ INSPIRATIONS FOR RENOVATION ⚡️ Look at the before and after photos of our renovations to gather ideas → https://www.fabermaster.hu/kiviteleze... ▶ RENOVATION TIPS AND IDEAS ⚡️ Read our blog, where we share renovation tips, ideas and useful information on a weekly basis so that you can get the most out of your own home renovation → https ://www.fabermaster.hu/blog/ ▶ USEFUL TOOLS FOR RENOVATION PLANNING ???? Renovation Diary: the downloadable renovation planning workbook. With pre-made questions, lists and tables, it guides you through the entire renovation, the planning of each room and the follow-up of the execution → https://www.felujitasnaplo.hu ▶ YOU MAY ALSO BE INTERESTED IN THESE VIDEOS ⚡️ Renovation of real homes → • Renovation of real homes ▶ FOLLOW US ON ON SOCIAL MEDIA ⟡ instagram → / fabermasterkivitelezo ⟡ tiktok → / fabermasterkivitelezo ⟡ pinterest → / fabermasterproperty ▶ IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS about any renovation topic, contact us via our contact details → https://www.fabermaster.hu/kapakslot/