SERIAL TRAVEL AROUND WONOSOBO Crossing the city of Wonosobo which is the center of government and trade in Wonosobo Regency, Central Java, Wonosobo Square is one of the best squares in Central Java, because it is a magnet for the surrounding community as a place to carry out various activities including sports venues, family recreation, culinary tours and other events. For other videos, you can watch them here: Part 1: • KEPIL‼️KELILING WONOSOBO, Episode 1. ... Part 2: • KEPIL ‼️ KELILING WONOSOBO, Episode 2... Part 3: • SAPURAN ‼️ KELILING WONOSOBO, Episode... Part 4: • KALIKAJAR ‼️ KELILING WONOSOBO, Episo... Part 5: • BOWONGSO ‼️ KELILING WONOSOBO, Episod... Part 6: • KERTEK ‼️ KELILING WONOSOBO, Episode... Part 7: • MENDOLO ‼️ KELILING WONOSOBO, Episode... #kelilingwonosobo #wonosobo