Instagram @lenara.artes Materials 1 bamboo wood frame (use a 30cm frame) but it can be no bigger than 4 cotton sticks twelve, the smaller frame can be steak sticks White glue to strain the sticks Fio special for artisans jute cor j31 Usei nesse bow 50 fios with 1.32 centimeters Always place I always use several pairs 3 times to measure the height I want, and duplicate or copy to make the simple macramê pieces Materials 1 bamboo wooden frame (I used a 30 cm frame) but it can be any size you want 4 cotton sticks of sugar, if the grid is smaller they can be barbecue sticks White glue to stick the sticks Special thread for crafts in jute color j31 I used 50 threads with 1.32 centimeters in this tie Always use uniform cables I always measure 3 times the height I want, and I bend the thread to make the simple macrame knots Materials 1 bamboo wooden frame (I used a 30cm frame) but it can be any size you want 4 cotton candy stick, if the rack is smaller it can be barbecue sticks White glue to stick the sticks Special yarn for jute color crafts j31 I used 50 threads with 1.32 centimeters in this bow Always put even wires I always measure 3 times the height I want, and I double the thread to make the simple macrame knots Malzemeler 1 bambu ahşap çerçeve (30cm çerçeve kullandım) ancak istediğiniz herhangi bir boyutta olabilir 4 pamuk şeker çubuğu, raf daha küçükse barbekü çubukları olabilir Çubukları yapıştırmak için beyaz tutkal Jüt renkli el sanatları için özel iplik j31 Bu yayda 1.32 santimetre olan 50 iplik kullandım Daima eşit kablolar koyun Her zaman istediğim yüksekliğin 3 katı ölçüyorum ve basit makrome düğümleri yapmak için ipliği ikiye katlıyorum Материалы 1 бамбуковая деревянная рама (я использовал раму 30 см), not on может бть любого размера. 4 палочки для сладкой ваты, если стойка меньше, это могут быть приклеивания палочек Special How do I use the phone j31? по 1.32 sm. In addition, I am interested in 3 races. больше, чем хочу, and удваиваю нить, чтобы сделать простые узлы макраме. المواد 1 إطار خشبي من الخيزران (استخدمت إطارًا 30 ) يكون بأي حجم تريده 4 عصا حلوى قطنية ، إذا كان الرف أصغر يمكن أن تكون أعواد شواء الغراء الأبيض للصق العصي خيوط خاصة لمصنوعات الجوت الملونة j31 سم في هذا القوس ضع دائمًا أسلاكًا متساوية أقيس دائمًا 3 أضعاف الارتفاع الذي أريده ، وأضاعف الخيط لصنع عقدة مكرامية بسيطة