Charkhone Comedy Series - Episode 39 Synopsis: This series is the story of a middle-aged couple named Mansour Jamali and Shekweh, who live in an apartment complex with their two daughters and son-in-law. From episode 22, with the arrival of Shabaneh and his stay in the square, the story takes on a more interesting trend, so that it becomes clear that Hamed, the eldest son-in-law of the family, is also a provincial of Shabaneh, and his real name is Chaharbanesh, and he was able to use what he called a "trick" He tricked Jamali's family and married their eldest daughter in order to become the owner of one of the four apartment units in which the story is told. After this, a new event happens in each episode, and the story of the same episode of the program is told in a humorous and comedic manner. Director: Soroush Sehat Producer: Mohsen Chegini Writer: Alireza Bazarafshan - Mohammad Reza Arian Actors: Hamid Lolaei Maryam Amirjalali Seyed Javad Razovian Ardalan Shojakaveh Mohammad Shiri Flamak Junidi Sahar Woldbigi Behnoosh Bakhtiari Reza Shafieijam --------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------ Subscribe to our channel and enjoy watching the best Persian series https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenSquare... To watch the next episodes of the Charkhone series, click on the link below • Charkhone series ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- #comedy #series #series #Iranian series #comedy series #charkhone #charkhone #4khone