00:00 [Intro and Summary of Previous Day's Market Conditions] 03:25 [Practical Quant] Characteristics of Years When Technical Rebounds Were Successful ============================================================================== Non-face-to-face account opening at Hana Securities https://bit.ly/2FcPrET We will broadcast the Hana Securities Research Center Morning Meeting in real time. From the previous day's global stock market trends, investment strategies, coverage stock reports, and promising investment stocks... You can watch the fast and accurate reports from Hana Securities analysts in real time every morning at 7:30. (Based on business days) ■ Subscribe to Hana TV channel https://bit.ly/3zuESbi ■ Replay of previous broadcast https://youtube.com/live/ZT1s5-p5G9w If you click 'Like' and 'Subscribe', you will be the force to create better content. This broadcast complies with Hana Securities' internal control standards. We would like to answer questions asked during the broadcast in real time, but due to the strengthening of financial authorities' surveillance of YouTube securities broadcasts and the lack of standardized criteria, it is difficult to answer unpublished data. Please be generous and understand that we will answer questions you send us in the comments only after checking with analysts. Thank you for continuing to watch Hana TV. #Institution #Semiconductor #KOSPI