In this show, Sabawoon Momand has gone to the international cricket stadium in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. The good news is that for the first time Afghanistan national cricket team has qualified for the Champions Cup and the Champions Cup has been brought to Afghanistan. In this show, Subwoon Momand went to the international cricket stadium in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. The good news is that for the first time, the Afghanistan national cricket team has qualified for the Cricket Champions Cup and the Champions Cup will travel to Afghanistan. In this show, Subaoon Momand will go to the International Cricket Stadium in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. It is good news that for the first time, the Afghanistan national cricket team will enter the Champions Cup and the Champions Cup will be brought to Afghanistan. #afghanistan #Kabul #players #Cricket_Stadium #cricket #Final #Champions_Trophy #Update #tour #Province #Bazaar #Welcome #markets #auction #rashid_khan #Street #Cricket_League #View #Walk #Walking #Talib #Fruits #Taliban #ACB #Today's #City #regime #situation #Role #Daily #national #UR_Cristiano #cristiano #URCristiano #UR.Cristiano #Afghanistan #field #cricket #Atalano_Jam #Circle #Welcome #Kabul_International_Cricket_Lamp #Rashd_Khan #Peshawar #Play_Tag #Happy Birthday #Night #Night #Travel #Car #Get #Airplane #Day #Report #City #City #Islamic_Emirate