In the next episode of the podcast, we discuss issues related to the cybersecurity of organizations. Cezar Cichocki, an expert in cybersecurity and head of the OpenBIZ competence center, will talk about how to protect both infrastructure and information and data processed by the organization from attacks, damage, or unauthorized access. The episode is also available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5dNk... Association of Security Experts of the Republic of Poland: https://ekspercibezpieczenstwa.pl/ / association-ekspert%c3%b3w-bezpiecze%c5... Polish Business Forum Employers' Union: https://www.pfb-zp.pl/ / polskie-forum-biznesu https://open.spotify.com/show/0QcWJRU... Piłat & Partners: https://pilatipartnerzy.pl/