CARP FISHING or modern fishing for carp, grass carp or white amur. Carp fishing has many secrets and nuances, but catching one on a fishing trip or in a carp fishing competition is not that difficult. I, Yuri Khokhlov, and my teammate Mikhail Pechorin will tell and show you how easy it is to catch a trophy carp from A to Z. We tried to reveal all the secrets of carp fishing, but we couldn’t cover everything in one video. Next time you will see even more interesting material on how to catch a trophy carp. Carp fishing [carp fishing] is one of my favorites. I hope you will also enjoy catching a trophy carp on a fishing trip and releasing the carp home. Enjoy watching! Take care of your fish, big fish, especially trophy carp, grass carp and white amur. ⚠️BUY A BOAT OR MOTOR "GLADIATOR" WITH A 5% DISCOUNT using the promo code: hohlov-5% ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE COMPANY "GLADIATOR" ???? https://gladiator.ru/ NORDMAN WADERS???? https://www.nordman.ru/product/nordma... RHINO BAITS BOILIES???? https://rhino-baits.com/shop/product-... My Telegram channel???? https://t.me/+T2X5a9yhwnxmZTEy Page in "VK"???? https://vk.com/yurykhokhlov My Instagram???? https://instagram.com/yury_khokhlov?i... My mail???? [email protected] Mikhail Pechorin in "VK"???? https://vk.com/mikhailpecherin #carpfishing