The series "I Know Who Killed You" is a new psychological thriller about love and revenge with Alexander Yatsenko and Yulia Snigir. Watch all episodes on Wink.ru: https://wink.ru/series/ya-znayu-kto-t... "Cases" is a crime podcast in which we explore real crimes and people associated with criminal events and affected by them. The main characters of these stories are not brutal murderers and rapists, but those who spent months, and sometimes years, on their trail, caught them and proved their guilt in court. In this episode, Vasily Beinarovich (Faust), comedians Viktor Shchetkov and Artem Muratov talk about the case of the maniac Mukhankin, or as he was called "Chikatilo's Student", who operated in the Rostov region, mainly in the city of Shakhty. Faust: https://vk.com/faust21century Muratov: https://vk.com/artemmuratov Shchetkov: https://vk.com/public219914636 #cases #crime #maniac #podcast