Casablanca uprising in 1981, known as: The uprising of the martyrs of the Komira. Follow us to learn more about the history of Morocco, and the events that took place at that time with King Hassan II. #Casablanca_Uprising #Komira_Martyrs #History_of_Morocco #Hassan_II Where you can find me: https://linktr.ee/naoufalchaara ------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------- Oral narration by Said Masrour - Witness to the events Final report of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission - Book Two The Three Kings - Ignace Dahl Hassan II between tradition and tyranny - Ignace Dahl Memory of a King - Hassan II Hassan II said - Ali Achour Our friend the King - Gilles Perrault Archive of King Hassan II's speeches Archive of the US Department of State Archive of the French press