*We cannot respond to requests for live footage. We definitely recommend purchasing the DVD of any live performances that interest you. From DAY 2 of the 10th live performance, overture → Z Legend (4:05). The thumbnail is almost identical to the official one... Happy 15th Anniversary Momoclo! It's been 12 years since I met Momoclo. Whether I was going through hard times or happy times, Momoclo has always been by my side. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for being an idol for 15 years and continuing with Momoclo!!! Please be sure to check out the official YouTube channel. ---------------------------------------------------------------■Momoclo official recommended videos Momoclo [LIVE] Z Legend ~The Fanfare Won't Stop~ / from Momoiro Clover Z 10th Anniversary The Diamond Four in Momokyou Doumu • Momoclo [LIVE] Z Legend ~The Fanfare Won't Stop~ / from Mo... Momoclo [LIVE] Roar (from Momoiro Clover Z 10th Anniversary The Diamond Four -in Momokyou Doumu-) • Momoclo [LIVE] Roar (from Momoiro Clover Z 10th An... ■Momoclo official Twitter / mcz517_official ■Listen to Momoclo on Spotify too https://open.spotify.com/artist/3Zl0E...ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー