In the name of Allah, I entered and Allah entered with me with the strength of Muhammad and the courage of Ali. Welcome to the official channel of the Ambassador of Hearts, Hayat Al-Ruh. #Sagittarius #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo #Libra #Scorpio #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces Wafaa Hamed, known as "The Ambassador of Hearts, Hayat Al-Ruh", specializes in the science of energies, chakras and astronomy, and how energy affects the universe. "Hayat" specializes in astronomical predictions, and she has courses in the energies of attraction and chakras and how to teach them; In addition to modifying the path, after obtaining a diploma and a master's degree in mental health related to adolescence and children and everything related to marital and emotional relationships, which makes her a leading reference in the field. To book a private reading with the Ambassador of Hearts, Hayat. WhatsApp: 00201013474340 #DailyHoroscopes #AstrologicalHoroscopes #HoroscopePredictions #HoroscopeTarot #DailyHoroscopePredictions #Predictions #Loyalty #Tarot #HoroscopeTarot #LoversTarot #HoroscopeTraits #WaterSigns #AirSigns #FireSigns #EarthSigns #Egypt #Gulf #Emirates #Qatar #SaudiArabia #Kuwait #Bahrain #SultanateOman #America #Canada #England #France #Germany #Italy #Sweden #Austria #Spain Capricorn Energy in November in Wafaa Hamed's Tarot