Chinese vermicelli with chicken and vegetables and a successful Swiss roll cake 100% This is the link to the electric drum WhatsApp link: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=2... Product link: https://wadoxe.com/products/batteursh... Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/wadoxe.co?i... Ingredients for Swiss roll 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 150 g 1 and a half cups of flour 150 g A pinch of salt A sachet of vanilla A quarter cup of oil 30 g A quarter cup of water 30 g A spoonful of yeast for sweets As for the Swiss roll, chocolate has the same ingredients As for the latte, it measures 45c by 33c Ingredients for Chinese vermicelli Chicken Garlic Coriander Parsley Oil Harissa Ginger Garlic Salt Paprika A spoonful of concentrated tomato paste Carrots Green pumpkin