???? It is generally said that you cannot get pregnant during menstruation and that it is safe to have sex without contraception at that time. ???? However, this issue worries many women, as they do not know if this statement is a myth or not. ???? The truth is that the possibility of getting pregnant is greater during your fertile days, which do not usually coincide with the days of menstruation. Thus, the chances of pregnancy during menstruation are not high, but they do exist. ???? Therefore, it is very important to keep in mind that, if you do not want to become pregnant, it is advisable to use a contraceptive method. ???? If you want more information on the subject, you can visit the following link https://www.reproduccionasistida.org/... OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS ???????? ???? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/reproduc... ????Twitter: / reproduccion ???? Instagram: / reproasistida ???? LinkedIn: / reproduccion-asistida-org ???? Facebook: / reproduccionasistida ???? Web: https://www.reproduccionasistida.org/ ????????⚕️ The information provided on Assisted Reproduction ORG has been raised to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/visitor to this website and his/her doctor. Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:49 When is pregnancy most likely? 2:05 Ovulating during menstruation and pregnancy 4:39 Pregnancy days before menstruation 5:33 Frequently asked questions 5:38 Pregnancy during menstruation 6:12 Heavy menstruation: does it increase the chance of pregnancy? 6:44 Sex during menstruation to get pregnant 7:20 Sexual relations during menstruation