If you are a company, you can find me here - [email protected] `` Hi, my name is Raya, I've been making videos for a while and I'd be happy if you become my friend and subscribe to my channel! `` Here's how you can find me: Second channel: / channel ` Facebook: Raya Atanasova / rayambl Instagram: Raya_atanasova / raya_atanasova ` Facebook page: Raya Atanasova / LIFE / notifications ` You might be wondering what I do, I'm currently a copywriter , I really like going to the gym regularly, but that hasn't stopped me from liking different sports. I really care about me and my family eating healthy, I try to make different recipes, varied and healthy! I studied journalism and graduated successfully in 2019. I have a friend with whom we constantly travel. We love to enjoy nature around and outside of Bulgaria, so if you think I'm an interesting person, come and subscribe to my channel, which is completely free! In 2020, I also completed a PR at UNSS, with which I finish my studies at the moment. I also enjoy Italian lessons, which are a big part of my daily life. I like the cozy videos, the ones that make you pour yourself a cup of hot coffee or tea and enjoy the twinkling lights and the warmth of home. I hope I managed to get you to subscribe to my channels, and I will be very happy if you find me on Instagram, where we can share experiences! :) ` Thank you!