Understand the correct procedures for assembling and disassembling the Taylor C712 Ice Cream Machine. Watch the full video or click on the desired option below: Taylor C712 Operation Manual 0:00 Introduction 3:25 Accessories that come with the equipment 5:36 Features of the Taylor C712 16:38 Disassembly of the equipment's mix pump 17:42 Chamber door and mix pump parts 19:20 Disassembly of the chamber door parts 21:33 Disassembly of the mix pump 24:04 Lubrication and assembly 24:23 Mix pump assembly 26:26 Chamber door assembly 30:24 Sanitization 34:57 Supply 44:46 Adjustment of the extraction speed 50:13 Daily washing of the equipment 56:56 Possible unforeseen events and solutions #toptaylor #taylor #taylorcleaning #taylormanual Do you have any questions? Contact us: Website: www.taylor.com.br Instagram: @toptaylorbrasil Facebook: @toptaylorbrasil WhatsApp: 11 3230 3427