Ivan Khomych Law Office. Consultation tel: +380983682525 Regulatory documents (Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution) - https://spo.fpsu.org.ua/wp-content/up... The Ministry of Social Policy presented a project to reform and increase pensions through the introduction of the concept of basic social assistance, they want to untie pensions from the subsistence minimum and tie pension payments to the BSD in percentage. Thus, the minimum pension for people with 30 years of experience will be no less than 3960 hryvnias (88% of the additional). Narodna Dumka main thoughts and news of Ukraine and Ukrainians in an accessible format: • Narodny Tik-Tok - / narodnadumka • Narodny TELEGRAM - https://t.me/NarodnaDum • Live Facebook - / dubrovskijlive • Narodny Instagram - / narodnad #IncreasePensions #BSD #AdditionalPaymentToPensioners #ProjectMinSotsu