The Brander Wald training area near Aachen is full of surprises! In addition to the well-known hard targets/tanks, there are plenty of interesting structures. The link to the hand grenade throwing stand: https://m136.de/handgranatenwurfstand... Bundeswehr, Luftwaffe, air base, French bulldog, Bully, Hopsten, Rheine, US army, rocket, military, Wehrmacht, military training area, ammunition depot, outdoor, soldier, lone fighter, barracks, NVA, camouflage, woodland, Flecktarn, WW2, WW2, hiking, tank, camouflage, tiger stripe, bunker, lost place, cold war, jigsaw, excursion destination, Frenchie, fitness, NATO, hike, cold war, GDR, Urbex, Germany, Nike, relics