In this mechanical tutorial, we have prepared for you from scratch how to open the Pride brake pump, where to start, which screw to open, and the rest of the work, up to a hundred tutorials, including how to change accessories and wash the pump, etc. In a practical way and with explanations for better and more complete learning, so watch the video until the end and be sure to like it! What else do you want? All our trainings are from zero to one hundred, complete with golden tips! Subscribe to the channel right now to be exposed to a lot of training in the world of car mechanics???? Here I will give you some of the best videos on how to replace a timing belt. L90 Timing belt: zero to one hundred belt replacement... siAc44myjIDLu6ojiF El Nod Plus duster replacement tutorial: Plus duster replacement tutorial... siZ6AaZ7_544cMYvrs Peugeot 405 timing tutorial • Car timing tutorial: timing tips. .. siZlr7e5x1MokxHCfL Playlist of handmade tools / playlistlistpl2efsmylh5a4wtafihwvumt01ypyg... Playlist of changing the timing belt of all types of cars / playlistlistpl2efsmylh5a5yv70jv0ayp6oojccz... Mechanical training, car mechanic training, car mechanic, car mechanic, gearbox repair training