Have you ever wondered what competitive games do to our minds? These games have both good and bad effects on our minds, but the main one is the issue of dopamine. Competitive games are usually full of cheap dopamine spikes, making addiction to these games much greater than to other types of games. So let's understand better how these games work, and see if it makes sense for you to stop playing competitive games for your mental health. Or even if you don't have dopamine problems and don't mind these spikes. If you want to contribute to the channel or send a message, my livepix is this one: https://livepix.gg/zoika If you want to go deeper into the subject, here are the sources I used to base myself: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/games-a... https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/25/21/... https://capstone.capilanou.ca/2023/07... https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-r... Channels where I used some clips for the video: / arnie / bysl4m / metatimes / hey_itsgabe / baiano