1- SPREADSHEET OF INVESTMENTS IN SHARES, FIIS, BDR, ETF BR, CRYPTOCURRENCIES and FIXED INCOME 👇 https://hotm.art/PLANILHA-1 2- SPREADSHEET OF INVESTMENTS IN BRAZIL AND ABROAD (SHARES, FIIS, STOCKS, REITS, USA ETF, CRYPTOCURRENCIES AND FIXED INCOME) 👇 https://hotm.art/PLANILHA-2 SPREADSHEET FOR CALCULATION OF PRICE CEILING AND MARGIN OF SAFETY (SHARES and FIIS) 👇 https://hotm.art/PLANILHA-PRECO-TETO 📲 Follow me on Instagram: / bombeiro.investidor DISCLAIMER: This content presented in the video is not an investment recommendation and should not be understood as such. All content is merely the author's personal opinion and does not reflect any recommendation or guidance for the purchase of any specific financial asset. All information presented in this video is for educational purposes only. Past earnings are no guarantee of future profitability. All investments involve the risk of losing money to the investor. Rodrigo (CNPI 3419)