11/21/24 Boris Pistorius is currently considered the most popular politician in Germany. His record as Federal Minister of Defense is mixed, reports Thorsten Jungholt. Nevertheless, more and more influential voices from the SPD are calling for Pistorius to be chosen as candidate for chancellor instead of Scholz. Here are Thorsten Jungholt's texts: https://www.welt.de/autor/thorsten-ju... You can find our Black Friday offers under this link: welt.de/blackfriday "Das bringt der Tag" is WELT's news podcast. Production: Marvin Schwarz Editor: Janne Hoppe We look forward to receiving feedback at [email protected]. Listening tip: You can hear the most important news on the markets and the financial topic of the day from 5 a.m. on "Alles auf Aktien" - the daily stock market shot from the WELT business editorial team. More at welt.de/allesaufaktien Imprint: https://www.welt.de/services/article7... Data protection: https://www.welt.de/services/article1...