[BBS Buddhist Broadcasting, the only public broadcasting station in the Buddhist community operated by a non-profit foundation] 📌Support (Mangonghoe) Join https://online.mrm.or.kr/PK7eF5d 📌Support (Mangonghoe) Phone 1855-3000 *All contents of Buddhist Broadcasting are created with your support and origins. ▶ BBS Buddhist Broadcasting System Terrestrial radio broadcasting launched on May 1, 1990 Buddhist-specialized BBSTV launched in 2008 The only non-profit foundation in the Buddhist community that returns Mangonghoe support (donation) and broadcast advertising revenue to broadcast Buddhist missions, 'public broadcasting' ▶ More ways to meet BBS Buddhist Broadcasting! App download: Google Play Store, iPhone App Store Homepage: http://www.bbsi.co.kr/ Facebook: / bbs18553000 Twitter: / @bbs_tvnradio YouTube affiliated channels: BBS Man Gong Hoe, BBS Plus, BBS Dharma, BBS Humanities Documentary, BBS Buddhist Broadcasting NEWS, BBS Visible Radio,