How to Set Up Your Camera for Bird Photography with Telephoto Lenses Watch the ENTIRE course in the Playlist with all 10 full classes • FREE Photography Course for the Bird Watcher ... In this video we continue with the Photography Workshop for the Bird Watcher, today I show you how to set up a custom mode to take field photography in most situations. After a few years of experience with the Sigma 150-600mm lens, I have come to the conclusion that the one I share here is the best semi-automatic setting to take sharp bird photographs. Among the topics mentioned in the talk we will see the shutter speed, relationship with the Aperture, how to efficiently define the ISO range according to the camera, the different measurement options that the camera has. Although the workshop is based on a NIkon D7500 camera and a Sigma 600mm lens, it applies to all models of cameras and telephoto lenses. IMPORTANT: The rule for Bridge cameras has another scale, it is not necessarily the same as the MM of a SLR lens because it uses a telephoto range that is measured differently, if you have any questions, ask me in the comments. *THE SECRET KEY* A secret key will appear in the video, I thought of making a kind of game, competition or contest, or whatever you want to call it, so that students can have fun and try to win 3 books related to bird watching. They will be able to collect 10 keys in the 10 topics of the course but ATTENTION BECAUSE THERE IS A DEADLINE to participate and it is September 10, 2022 I'm sorry if you arrived late to the video :-) More info at https://www.chetoba.com.ar/fotografia...